Building  and Deploying a simple Cloud-Native Web App - Part 2

Building and Deploying a simple Cloud-Native Web App - Part 2

This article outlines the steps and choice of programming language in the development of our cloud-native web app. In this capstone project, we would use Flask (Python) web framework to build our application backend.

Web frameworks are software libraries that provide a structured way to build and develop web applications. Their set of pre-defined functions, templates, and tools simplify the process of creating dynamic and interactive websites or web applications.

Phase 2 - Writing the application code using python-flask

  • Create a VENV: (optional but great for multiple projects)

    Three simple steps to set up venv on your machine

  •         //Install venv to host python using the cmd
            $ pip install virtualenv
            //Create a project folder in your terminal 
            $ python<version> -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
            //Activate your venv for windows with the cmd
            $ <virtual-env-name>/Scripts/Activate.ps1
            //Activete your venv for mac with the cmd
            $ source <virtual-env-name>/bin/activate
  • Install Flask using the command:

  •         $ pip install Flask
            //Check to see all dependecies installed alongside flask
            $ pip list
            Package      Version
            ------------ -------
            blinker      1.6.2  
            click        8.1.7  
            colorama     0.4.6  
            Flask        2.3.3  
            itsdangerous 2.1.2  
            Jinja2       3.1.2  
            MarkupSafe   2.1.3  
            pip          22.3.1 
            psutil       5.9.5  
            setuptools   65.5.0 
            Werkzeug     2.3.7
  • ```bash from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template import socket, psutil

    app = Flask(name)

    @app.route("/") def hello_world(): return "

    Hello, I am Nelson Osagie, a Cloud / DevOps Engineer.


    #Function that get system cpu and memory usage def app_health(): cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent() mem_percent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent message = None if cpu_percent > 85 or mem_percent > 70: message = "High CPU and Memory utilization, scale up" return str(cpu_percent), (mem_percent)

    @app.route("/details") def details(): cpu_percent, mem_percent = app_health() hostname, ip_address = get_host_details() return render_template('index.html', HOSTNAME=hostname, IP=ip_address, CPU=cpu_percent, MEM=mem_percent)

if name == 'main':"localhost", port=5000, debug=True)


        A cloud-native-monitoring-web-app
    <h2> Building and deploying a simple monitoring app, using python flask web framework</h2>
    <h2> Details of Host machine: {{ HOSTNAME }} and IP address {{ IP }}</h2>
    <h3> Details of CPU and Memory Utilization:</h3>
    <h1> CPU Usage {{ CPU }} and Memory Usage: {{ MEM }}</h1>

You are free to build any sort of dynamics to the project, check the repo for updates, and feel free to make contributions:

  • Use pip to freeze all dependecise in your venv:

      $ pip freeze > requirements.txt